Sunday, November 5, 2023
Friday, September 5, 2014
Alien DNA paradigm redux (1999 - 2014 & ongoing)

" Hair
of the Alien" - "the single most convincing fact ever
found in support of the physical reality of aliens" - Whitley
Strieber author of the best selling book “Communion” - in "Whitley's
Journal", Sunday August 7th, 2005
“In his remarkable book (“Hair of the Alien”) leading
Australian researcher Bill Chalker, who has a background in chemistry and
mathematics, describes his exemplary investigations into what has turned out to
be arguably the most convincing case for alien abduction (the Peter
Khoury case)” - Timothy Good
“Earth – an alien Enterprise” (2013)
Historian Richard Dolan has included a limited summary
of the breakthrough Khoury “Hair of the Alien” DNA research story in his book “UFOs for the 21st century mind – a fresh guide to an ancient
mystery” (2014) as a good example of “Encounters with “Them” that “are
difficult to dismiss out of hand.”
"Hair of the Alien" brings us closer than ever before to understanding our past, our origins, and our place in the universe" - from the back cover of the book.
The "alien DNA paradigm" focuses on evidence for alien genetic “intelligent intervention” in various cultures (particularly indigenous cultures) around the world, and has been driven by:• Locations with high strangeness/breakthrough activities with UFOs, light phenomena, alien abductions
• cultures that feature “sky being” claims, diverse UFO phenomena
• possible unusual DNA markers within these cultures or present selectively or generically in human DNA
• locations or regions which bring together each of these factors (UFO “haunted” location, alien mediated culture, DNA aspects).
I've drawn together a number of posts that link into "the alien DNA paradigm" hypothesis research Start with the following:
then check out the other posts on this site for some interesting connections.

From the H2 channel "Ancient Aliens" episode in Season 6 which featured the Khoury hair case with Peter Khoury, Dr. Horace Drew and myself briefly discussing the investigation & research

The catalyst for the Alien DNA paradigm - "Hair of the Alien" (available through Amazon in soft cover book & e-book)

Peter Khoury (right) passes a polygraph test conducted by Gavin Wilson

Bill Chalker (physical inorganic chemist) with Dr. Horace Drew (biochemist) who led the DNA studies that highlighted "hybrid" DNA characteristics in the unusual hair sample found during Peter Khoury's strange 1992 experience in Sydney.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Hair of the Alien investigation - revised and improved video link (September 2013) of interview done in 2005
Courtesy of Mike Williams of Strange Nation here is a better quality version of an interview he did with me back in 2005. The "reptilian" tagging that Mike refers to, comes with the territory I guess, but those sorts of silly things say more about the people making them than those targeted. I don't entirely share Mike's "blanket" criticism of the local UFO community. There are a lot of good researchers and investigators, but I would agree that there has been some that nudge the "fringe":
Here are the Strange Nation and You Tube links to the interview:
In the interview from 2005 I was not in a position to identify the scientist who led the biochemical team that did the DNA forensic analysis of the Khoury hair sample and was the author of the reports found in the appendix section of my 2005 book "Hair of the Alien". He has kindly allowed me to identify him, my friend Dr. Horace Drew who had worked for decades as a head research scientist in the CSIRO, Australia's leading scientific research organisation and co-authored the authorative reference "Understanding DNA".
Contrary to the claims of the Skeptics, in their strikingly unscientific attempts to debunk the case, my summary chapter of Horace's data reports was accurate and his interest in things like UFOs, alien abduction accounts and crop circles does not invalidate his impressive credentials as a DNA scientist. Of course if one doesn't bother with doing serious research like for example actually reading the whole book written on the case - "Hair of the Alien" (which can be acquired via Amazon), and instead bases their analysis and commentary on only reading excerpts of the book (via the "look inside the book" feature on Amazon), then their analyses will and has been very flawed and unscientific. Their form of "skepticism" is more appropriately seen as unscientific skepticism and debunking, rather than scientific skepticism. Organisations like the Skeptics claim they champion science and critical thinking. Pity it is not reflected in a lot of their engagements with serious attempts to do good research in the UFO area.
Thank you Mike Williams from Strange Nation
The Fourth Level and the Fourth Kind - a post from 2006
The book represents "a unique journey into traditional Aboriginal life and culture, and offers a powerful and original model for building sustainable organisations, communities and
ecologies. It is a compelling message for today's world."
This central message of the book is well worth your time to explore. Indeed it is of vital importance.
The different explorations of Karl-Erik Sveiby and I intersected rather unusually in 2004 when he approached me and researcher Steve Walters to get our opinions on a strange photographic anomaly - a possible aerial anomaly - he had recorded during April 2004 at Mount Oxley near Bourke New South Wales while in the company of Tex Skuthorpe and his partner. Karl-Erik presents the unusual photo in the book as a possible manifestation of the Fourth Level of meaning in aboriginal stories - the spiritual realm. Through the fascinating aboriginal story of How the Nhunggabarra got flowers Mount Oxley (or Wubi-Wubi) was a focus of shamanic contact between aboriginal men of high degree (or wiringins) and the ancestral being Baiame (Baayami) .
Mount Oxley had already become an interesting place for me. I visited it back in September 2003 exploring its fascinating sense of presence and its enigmatic lore of strange phenomena. I was already aware of the legend of the flowers through the renderings of K. Langloh Parker of local aboriginal tales she collected in the late 1890s and it was fascinating to see the story retold through the words of local custodian Tex Skuthorpe and its "Fourth Level" of meaning, and its beautiful evocation through Tex's great paintings.
While prosaic explanations may be evident for the photo anomaly Karl-Erik recorded it is fascinating to consider the context he and Tex explore in their important book. I certainly do not want to distract from the central message of "Treading Lightly" given its significance as a potent intersection between a remarkable old culture and modern knowledge management theory.
However I suspect there are fascinating resonances between the concepts of "Fourth Level" (through "Treading Lightly" - shamanic spiritual interactions) and "Fourth Kind" (through "alien abductions") - intersections I have been contemplating for some time. See for example my article "Alien Abductions: A Shamanic Perspective of UFOs" in Nature and Health magazine (August 1980) see:
Most importantly though there are powerful and important matters that need to be focused upon by our modern culture. Explore some of these in the book "Treading Lightly" and through the related web site. See:
The book and its message is worth your detailed exploration.
Photos: the mysterious rock "craters" on Mount Oxley (September 2003) and Mount Oxley in view (photos copyright Bill Chalker).
Naga fireballs, hill tribe meetings and UFO discussions & lectures - journeys in Thailand & China
2006 What a year .... 2007? Bring it on ....

Reflecting on the past year I realise why some things just didn't get done. If I haven't contacted you or followed up please consider the following good reasons (which are only the tip of the 2006 "iceberg"):
1) Interest in my new book "Hair of the Alien", published in the US during 2005, remained strong into 2006, with lots of enquiries and requests for lecturing and information.
2) During March I gave a lecture on the Gold coast in Queensland, which also allowed me to catch up with the AUFORN Qld team.
3) An "Oz files" piece in the magazine Take 5 during March generated a lot of feedback, with many interesting sightings, which I'm still following up. For those I haven't contacted yet, my apologises, but I will get there eventually. In the interim thank you to those great people who reported their UFO experiences, which all helps to enrich our understanding of the UFO experience. In August I scored an entry in Sydney's "City Weekly" magazine in "Sydney's coolest jobs - the most intriguing jobs around" as a humble "UFO researcher".
4) I got involved with the History channel filming their "UFO files - Deep Sea Red Alert" programme, which also allowed me to make contact with a local freelance camera man who had his own UFO connection and interest.
5) I had a great time in Melbourne during April with the Westall UFO "reunion" which brought together a lot of witnesses, interested parties and researchers all focused on the fascinating 1966 Westall school case.
6) During late May and early June I undertook another Outback expedition focusing on the 1969 "UFO crash saga". Further interesting data was gathered.
7) During July I gave another lecture at the Sydney Powerhouse museum to the Sydney Space Association - "UFOs - the great & secret show".
8) Extensive research and investigation preparations for a proposed expedition to Thailand & China was undertaken, but just before leaving in early October I was able to make it up to Brisbane to attend the UFO conference there. This fortunately allowed me to spend some time with British author Tim Good and Brazilian researcher A.J. Gevaerd, as well as many other researchers and interested parties. One of the highlights of the conference for me was to be able to make contact again with Albert Pennisi, the owner of the site of the famous 1966 Tully UFO "nest" event. Albert also gave a lecture which provided a great overview of the extraordinary UFO milieu that developed. It was also great to be able to discuss the Tully events with Albert's sons Adrian & Shane.
9) During the rest of October I was in Thailand and China on a fascinating expedition which focused on what could be called Phase 3 of the "Hair of the Alien" investigation (Phase 1 being the 1999 "Strange Evidence" publication of the hair shaft data; Phase 2 came with the hair root data and the publication of my book on the case "Hair of the Alien" and the focus it engendered, namely the alien DNA paradigm) which focused on some of the strange aspects of the fascinating DNA results that emerged from the investigation - particularly the possible Lahu connection.

(I have included a picture here of myself with researcher & writer Jim Goodman (right) in Chang Mai in northern Thailand. See above. Thanks Noi for taking the photo. Jim has lived in the region for many years and has written a number of good books that have focused on the hill tribes in northern Thailand and southern China. He wasn't phased by the strangeness of my enquiries about the Lahu and help me and my guide out with solid information. Thanks Jim & good luck with your continuing endeavours in documenting the wonderful hill tribe peoples of the region)
10) Since returning to Australia I seem to be in permanent catch-up mode, but I am looking forward to the new year which will again be full of research, investigation and sharing the results.
11) Amongst all this and family life I am still working on a history of the Sydney based UFO Investigation Centre UFOIC (1956-2006), which in itself has been a fascinating journey into the past and present.
12) Meanwhile I'm going to seriously try to catch up with my never-ending reading list, with includes all sorts of intriguing and sometimes bizarre content - all grist for the mind mill: such as "The Discovery of the Hobbit" by Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee, "Entangled Minds" by Dean Radin, Stanislav Grof's "When the Impossible Happens", "The View from the Center of the Universe" by Joel Primack & Nancy Abrams, "The High Road to China" by Kate Teltscher, "The Jokes Over" by Ralph Steadman, "In the Naga's Wake" by Mick O'Shea (I found this in Sydney just after returning from my own embrace with the Naga's "wake" - in my case the wonderful and often intriguing Naga light festival on the Mekong), "The Shark God" by Charles Montgomery, and a lot of UFO related stuff - "the good, the bad and the ugly" - such as the Fatima trilogy by Joaquim Fernandes & Fina D'Armada ( I've read "Heavenly Lights" and getting into "Celestial Secrets"), "Mysterious Sky" by Philip Mantle & Paul Stonehill, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" by Steven Greer (a glutton for punishment, I decided my brain may have turned to "mush" upon my first reading of this "memoir", so a "retake" was in order) and a number of other books. Lately I find I have to occassionally reread books like Allen Hynek's "The UFO Experience" and Richard Hall's "The UFO Evidence" (the 1964 original and the 2001 followup) to get a "reality check" on what UFOs might really be all about. Mind you my ongoing case investigations anchor me well enough in that fascinating ongoing reality.
Have a great Christmas and New Year.

(Photos: copyright B. Chalker - also included is myself on the Great Wall at Badaling, near Beijing, China and friends in Beijing - Irene, my translator and Harvey, Zhang Jingping's associate, at the tea house UFO researcher gathering in October 2006.)
The Alien DNA Paradigm to be presented at UFOCUS NZ's FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Conference 2007

I will be delivering the following lecture: Alien Odyssey – the alien DNA paradigm and other UFO impacts at the New Zealand International "FUTURE PERSPECTIVES" conference at Rotorua on 30 September 2007.
My speech outline:
Bill Chalker takes you on an extraordinary odyssey researching the alien paradigm, anchored in the remarkable and provocative “alien hair” case of Peter Khoury in Australia, which has yielded breakthrough evidence that appears to support the idea that alien hybrids might be at the heart of the alien abduction controversy.
Bill will also describe some of his research from the last 3 decades, including his focus on physical evidence, history, military & official investigations and the fascinating Asian UFO experience.
An interesting line up of lectures is scheduled including the following UFO orientated presentations:
Suzanne Hansen "Corroborative Evidence of Contact", Diane Frola "From Dreamtime to Now: Australia's UFO Connections", Roger Leir "Alien Implants: the Final Scientific Word", Mary Rodwell "Awakening to our Multidimensional reality" and Graeme Opie "NZ UFO Sightings."
Full details of the conference can be found at the UFOCUS NZ web site:
Photo: Bill Chalker in Chang Mai northern Thailand 2007 undertaking research into Phase 3 of the research programme connected with the "Hair of the Alien" case
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